Monday 12 November 2012

Sub-Genres, and what to do about them.

Every couple of days my post won't be about a specific artist, but a post about music in general, maybe a genre overview or a musing on how Dubstep is similar to late Baroque (it isn't). Today I'll be talking about the ridiculousness that is sub-genres.

I know what you're thinking "sub genres make it easier to know what type of music it is". But that's because you're thinking too macro. Im thinking about the post-step breakcore, the dark mombahops, the nu-Indie Souls. This is why its so hard to find good music, because its also tucked away in little boxes labelled "No one cares but I'm going to sound arty."
My friends, it is bloggers like me that are at fault. We have changed the "ambient" to the "chillwave" the "progressive rock" to the "nu skool semi grime." We must end this, and end this now. 

Here is a list of all the genres that are acceptable to use, ablly provided by the wonders of the internet (
 . For reasons I don't know they've included a genre called Grindcore, which I doubt anybody in the universe knows what it is.
That is all, no more, no less, (nb  you may see me using more specific subgenres in my speciality: dance music, but that is all, putting "nu" in front of anything means you should be slapped in front of your avant garde friends.

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